International Book Awards
by American Book Fest
We are glad to announce that our Æ books are Award-Winning Finalists in two categories of the 2020 International Book Awards. All belong to the Beyond Language series.

We have two Finalists in the Education/Academic category of the 2020 IBA—books by Aleksandra R. Knapik and Anna Drogosz, both in the BL series.
Study of Jamaican Creole Proverbs from the Perspective of Contact Linguistics
Aleksandra R. Knapik‘s Study of Jamaican Creole Proverbs from the Perspective of Contact Linguistics (Vol. 2, BL Series) draws a captivating picture of a language’s hardships and victories in its long history of contacts with other cultures. Despite three centuries of extreme dominance by the British empire, Jamaicans successfully preserved the traditions of their own ancestors, creating a unique phenomenon – Jamaican creole culture. And what better way to encapsulate the vibrant life of the Jamaican people and their African background, if not in their language wealth? A cherry on top: the book includes over 1090 recorded Jamaican sayings—an overflowing jewelry box of wisdom passed from the 16th century and on.

Cognitive Semantics Approach to Darwin’s Theory of Evolution
Anna Drogosz‘s Cognitive Semantics Approach to Darwin’s Theory of Evolution (Vol 4, BL Series) is one of the first comprehensive studies of conceptual metaphors that underlie Darwin’s theory and affect the way we talk and think about evolution. After all, the theory, which forever changed our vocabulary in any language, ranks among the most influential scientific theories of modern times. Struggle, family, movement in space and time—the book investigates how metaphors serve to conceptualize difficult, sometimes abstract scientific concepts, such as evolutionary change, natural selection, and relationships among organisms, in a familiar way, based on what’s intimate, recognizable, and experienced by each and every one of us.

We were also awarded a place among finalists of the multi-cultural non-fiction category for our fascinating collection of papers on translation studies, Between Text and Culture… [Między tekstem a kulturą]—a true flagship and harbinger for the following volumes in the Beyond Language series, edited by Piotr P. Chruszczewski and Aleksandra R. Knapik.

As always emphasized, the Beyond Language (BL) series is tailored to a tenured, established demographic. This truly international series originated in one of the most cosmopolitan cities of Poland, Wrocław, and extended far beyond, to the United States and the global world. Our authors, researchers and scholars in every discipline, extend the path of their Wrocław Nobel laureate predecessors – standing firm, grounded with one foot in centuries of world class contributions, and the other in cutting edge research and innovation.

Volume 1: Piotr P. Chruszczewski, Aleksandra Knapik (eds) (2018) Między Tekstem a Kulturą. Z Zagadnień Przekładoznawstwa [Beyond Text and Culture: On Translation Studies]. San Diego, CA: Æ Academic Publishing.
Volume 2: Aleksandra R. Knapik (2019) A Study of Jamaican Creole Proverbs from the Perspective of Contact Linguistics. San Diego, CA: Æ Academic Publishing.
Volume 3: Izabela Gatkowska (in press) Diagnosing Dysarthria in Adults: A New Speech Assessment Method for Polish, English, and Spanish. San Diego, CA: Æ Academic Publishing.
Volume 4: Anna Drogosz (2019) A Cognitive Semantics Approach to Darwin’s Theory of Evolution. San Diego, CA: Æ Academic Publishing.
American Book Fest, a brand that for almost two decades has been actively promoting quality books across the United States and abroad, announces the winners of International Book Awards during the Book Expo America in NYC.