Kreolingwistyka w zarysie: językowo-kulturowe mechanizmy przetrwania, rozwoju i dezintegracji
Creolistics: An Outline. Linguistic and Cultural Mechanisms of Survival, Development and Disintegration
The recipe for the language is interesting: Take one sea full of British sailormen, hardy, daring, very British and profane, and leave it in a cool place for two days; extract their speech; then bring to boil and extract what speech remains. Add a coconut shell each of Chinese, Malay, German and Kanaka and bring to boil a hundred or so times, then season with a little war or two; add a few drops of Mission sauce and sprinkle with blackbirder pepper and recruiter salt. Strain through Kanaka lips and serve with beer on boat days, or with undiluted Australian any other time..
Frank Robertson (1971: 13–14)
It is exceedingly doubtful if a language will ever be spoken over a wide area without multiplying itself dialectically.
Edward Sapir ([1921] 2004: 124)