Katarzyna Materka
Katarzyna Materka holds a Master’s diploma in English Studies majoring in translation. She has also completed a postgraduate program in Legal and Certified Translation and further honed her skills doing a prestigious internship as a translator and interpreter at the Translation Department of the Bureau of Archives and Information Management of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland.
Katarzyna is very much interested in comparative linguistics and enjoys contrasting Turkish and English grammar systems. She has taught English at Koç University, one of the most prestigious universities in Istanbul, Turkey, where she has learnt Turkish and gained a precious professional, cross-cultural and linguistic experience.
Currently, Katarzyna works as an academic teacher at the Warsaw School of Applied Linguistics (LSW) and runs her own language school.
In her spare time, she loves travelling and discovering different cultures. She also enjoys a good book with a cup of coffee from time to time.

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