Dr. inż. Hieronim Piotr Janecki
Chemist, graduate of one of the oldest faculties at Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Technology and Chemical Engineering (now Faculty of Chemistry); doctorate from the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology in Warsaw; founder and head of the Computer-Assisted Chemistry Laboratory at the Faculty of Materials Science and Design, University of Technology and Humanities in Radom (formerly Technical University), waste minimization certified expert.
Author of over 30 scientific publications (including books on “Information Technologies”, “IT and Computer-Assisted Engineering”, and “The Chemistry of Pharmaceuticals and Cosmetics”), 3 patents, 15 industrial implementations, and 15 waste minimization implementations.
He has conducted scientific research on tribology and tribo-chemistry in cooperation with Otto Von Guericke University in Magdeburg, and Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg in Merseburg, and has given a number of seminars and guest lectures at University in Paisley, Scotland; at universities of technology in Chemnitz, Magdeburg, and Merseburg, Germany; and at Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania. In 1995, under the auspices of Goethe Institut, he initiated the bilingual chemistry curriculum for secondary schools, and for the next 15 years, taught chemistry in the Jan Kochanowski Secondary School, Radom.

Chemia warstw wierzchnich w tribologii
Niniejsza monografia przedstawia wybrane problemy związane z modelowaniem oraz badaniem przemian zachodzących w warstwach wierzchnich w czasie tarcia elementów par kinematycznych oraz testów termicznych. Na podstawie analizy danych z literatury oraz wyników własnych badań autor opracował syntezę pochodnych ferrocenu oraz metodę symulacji przemian sulfidów ferrocenowych w węźle tarcia.
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