Prof. Anna Wojtyś
Professor (Dr. Hab.) at the Institute of English Studies, University of Warsaw. Her research interests include historical linguistics, sociolinguistics and varieties of English. She has published mainly on the history of English with the focus on morphology and lexis. She is currently working on a monograph devoted to obsolete preterite-present verbs in English.
She is an assistant editor of Warsaw Studies in English Historical Linguistics, the series of monographs published under the auspices of the University of Warsaw, and an assistant editor of Anglica. An International Journal of English Studies, the journal in literary, cultural and linguistic studies.
Her research interests include:
history of the English language • language contact • language change • varieties of English • sociolinguistics • morphology • phonetics and phonology

Past Participle Marking in Mediaeval English. A Corpus Based Study in Historical Morphology
The monograph is the first comprehensive study of changes in past participle marking in Mediaeval English. Before the shape of the past participle as we know it was established, the historical form used to be marked redundantly, attaching both the appropriate suffix and the prefix ge-. The study establishes temporal and geographical conditioning for the loss of prefixal marking as well as the relation between the suffixation and prefixation. As such, it shall be of great interest especially to all those researching in English historical grammar, but also to readers attracted to dialectal studies.
$31.00 – $38.75View products

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