Piotr P. Chruszczewski
Prof. Piotr P. Chruszczewski, a scholar of English and American studies, specializing in anthropological linguistics, to include studies of text, translation, writing and language.
Head of the College for Interdisciplinary Studies, University of Wrocław; chairman of the Committee for Philology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Wrocław Branch; holder of grants from the Foundation for Polish Science, Fulbright Commission, and the Lanckoroński Foundation.
Prof. Chruszczewski is a truly international scholar who has conducted research at numerous academic centers in cooperation with or studying under, a. o., Ronald Langacker at the University of California, San Diego; Alessandro Duranti at the University of California, Los Angeles; and Michael Barnes at the University College, London. He also spent time at Stanford University and the University of North Carolina, Greensboro; as well as the British Library, London. He has guest lectured or conducted research in Austria (Salzburg), Denmark (Aarhus, Copenhagen), Spain (Alicante), Israel (Jerusalem), Malta (La Valetta), Germany (Berlin, Dresden, Leipzig, Magdeburg), Romania (Bacau, Bucharest), Switzerland (Lugano), Sweden (Örebro, Stockholm), the US (Los Angeles, San Diego, Stanford, Washington), Great Britain (London, Oxford), and Italy (Bergamo, Bologna, Florence, Genoa, Milan, Modena, Pavia, Rome, Verona).
His monographs include Językoznawstwo antropologiczne. Zadania i metody [Anthropological Linguistics. Tasks and Methods of Research] (2011); Cultural Patterns in Discursive Practices of Scandinavian Speech Communities in the Viking Age. On the Basis of Runic Inscriptions of North-Central Jutland (2006); American Presidential Discourse. An Analysis (2003) and The Communicational Grammar of Political Discourse (2002). He is an editor or co-editor of sixteen monographs and in-house editor of four scientific periodicals (Academic Journal of Modern Philology, Styles of Communication, Półrocznik Językoznawczy TERTIUM, Studia Anglica Resoviensia). He is also the originator and organizer of the international conference Languages in Contact.
He is a fellow at the International Communicology Institute (since 2011) and a founding member of the Polish Society for Human and Evolution Studies, established in 2013 in Wrocław. He has provided expertise for domestic and foreign government institutions. Since 2015 he is the Rector’s representative for the talented youth, actively promoting advanced interdisciplinary research.

Między tekstem a kulturą: Z zagadnień przekładoznawstwa
“Między tekstem a kulturą: Z zagadnień przekładoznawstwa” [Between the text and culture: on translation studies] is the first volume in the new series Beyond Language, published under the auspices of College for Interdisciplinary Studies, University of Wrocław.
This voluminous collection opens the door to translation theory in the Polish perspective, its practice and applications in history and modern times, inviting discussion from the most eminent Polish scholars across the disciplines. Arranged in four major parts (1. Translation theory in historical perspective; 2. Religion in translation – historical and modern perspectives; 3. From theory to practice; 4. Applications, cf. Table of Contents), the material will be of interest to both academics researching translation as a discipline and translators practicing the craft.
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