Mostly Medieval: In Memory of Jacek Fisiak

290 Mostly Medieval the allegedly developed societies. The fact that people, giving nature meanings and transforming it into culture, do so in a systematic way, mainly by means of social and linguistic means, allows them to communicate, and also to call into existence new forms of communication-related phenomena such as: (1) survival in frequently adverse circumstances; (2) socialization; and (3) group ethno-identity formation. References Adams, Karen L., Anne Winter (1997) “Gang Graffiti as a Discourse Genre.” [In:] Journal of Sociolinguistics 1(3); 337–360. Anderson, Erik (1994) “Swedish.” [In:] Ekkehard König and Johan van der Auwera (eds.) The Germanic Languages. London, UK | New York, NY: Routledge; 271–312. Askedal, John Ole (1994) “Norwegian.” [In:] Ekkehard König and Johan van der Auwera (eds.) The Germanic Languages. London, UK | New York, NY: Routledge; 219–270. Bach, Adolf ([1938] 1970) Geschichte der deutschen Sprache. Heidelberg, Germany: Quelle & Meyer. Bańczerowski, Jerzy (1980) “Ludwik Zabrocki as a Theorist of Language.” [In:] Ludwik Zabrocki (ed.) U podstaw struktury i rozwoju języka [At the Foundation of Language Structure and Development]. Warszawa, Poland: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe; 9–27. Bańczerowski, Jerzy (2001) “The Linguistic Legacy of Ludwik Zabrocki.” [In:] Stanisław Puppel (ed.) The Ludwik Zabrocki Memorial Lecture. Poznań: Motivex; 9–49. Barnes, Michael P., Eivind Weyhe (1994) “Faroese.” [In:] Ekkehard König and Johan van der Auwera (eds.) The Germanic Languages. London, UK | New York, NY: Routledge; 190–218. Baugh, Albert C., Thomas Cable ([1951] 1984) A History of the English Language. London, UK | Boston, MA: Routlede and Kegan Paul. Bloomfield, Leonard (1933) Language. New York, NY: Henry Holt. Byock, Jesse L. (2005, winter quarter) Viking Language and Culture [An unpublished draft of a forthcoming book presented in the form of a reader for lectures]. Scandinavian Section, University of California in Los Angeles, USA. Cf. also http:// Chruszczewski, Piotr P. (1999) “Dyskurs polityczny z perspektywy społecznych heteronomii języka [Political Discourse from the Perspective of Social Heteronomies of Language]”. [In:] Kwartalnik Neofilologiczny 46(1/2); 121–128. Chruszczewski, Piotr P. (2000) “O heteronomicznej istocie dyskursu prawnego [On the Heteronomous Nature of Legal Discourse].” [In:] Kazimierz Michalewski