Mostly Medieval: In Memory of Jacek Fisiak

24 Mostly Medieval Wandering through the empty house, leafing through his books, I know that he remains a lasting presence, not only in my life but also in the lives of all the people he touched. So, hopefully, as yet another of his friends, the classicist, Professor Ignacy Lewandowski said, vita mortuorum in memoria vivorum. References Fisiak, Jacek (1977) “O współpracy, czyli nauka i ludzie” [about cooperation, or science and people]. [In:] Polska 12 (280); 30–33. Fisiak, Jacek (2005) “Philologist–Linguist–Educator–Administrator. An Autobiography.” [In:] Akio Oizumi, Tadao Kubouchi (eds.) Medieval English Language Scholarship: Autobiographies by Representative Scholars in our Discipline. Hildesheim: Georg Olms; 50–64.