Kreolingwistyka w zarysie

248 Kreolingwistyka w zarysie Boas, Franz (1911) „Handbook of American Indian Languages”. [W:] Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin 40(1); 1–1069. Boas, Franz ([1911] 1966) “Introduction”. [W:] Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin 40(1); 1–83. [Przedruk w:] Preston Holder (red), Introduction to Handbook of American Indian Languages by Franz Boas and Indian Linguistic Families of America North of Mexico by J[ohn] W[esley] Powell. Lincoln: University of Nebraska. Boas, Franz (1928) “Foreword”. [W:] Margaret Mead, Coming of Age in Samoa: A Psychological Study of Primitive Youth for Western Civilization. Nowy Jork: William Morrow, xiii–xv. Boas, Franz (1930) “Anthropology”. [W:] Edwin R. A. Seligman, Alvin S. Johnson (red.), Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, t. 2. Nowy Jork: Macmillan; 73–110. Bollée, Annegret (1977) “Remarques sur la genèse des parlers créoles de l’Océan Indien”. [W:] Jürgen Meisel (red.), Langues en Contact: Pidgins, Creoles. Tybinga: Narr; 137–149. Bourdieu, Pierre ([1982] 1991) Language and Symbolic Power [oryg. Ce que parler veut dire: L’économie des échanges linguistiques. Paris: Fayard], tłum. Gino Raymond, Matthew Adamson, wstęp i oprac. John B. Thompson. Cambridge: Polity/Blackwell. Bourdieu, Pierre ([1982] 1999) “Language and Symbolic Power”. [W:] Adam Jaworski, Nicolas Coupland (red.) The Discourse Reader. Londyn, Nowy Jork: Routledge; 502–513. Bourdieu, Pierre (1990) The Logic of Practice, tłum. Richard Nice. Stanford: Stanford University Press. Bourdieu, Pierre, Loïc J.D. Wacquant (1992) An Invitation to Reflexive Sociology. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Bourdieu, Pierre, Jean-Claude Passeron, Monique De Saint Martin ([1980] 1994) Academic Discourse: Linguistic Misunderstanding and Professional Power. Stanford: Stanford University Press. Bowern, Claire (2008) Linguistic Fieldwork: A Practical Guide. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan. Brenzinger, Matthias (1998) “Various Ways of Dying and Different Kinds of Deaths: Scholarly Approaches to Language Endangerment on the African Continent”. [W:] Kazuto Matsumura (red.), Studies in Endangered Languages. (Papers from the International Symposium on Endangered Languages, Tokio, 18–20 Nov 1995). Tokio: Hituzi Syobo; 85–100. Briggs, Charles L. (1985) “The Pragmatics of Proverb Performances in New Mexican Spanish”. [W:] American Anthropologist 87(4); 793–810. Brooke-Hitching, Edward ([2016] 2019) Atlas lądów niebyłych: Największe mity, zmyślenia i pomyłki kartografów [oryg. The Phantom Atlas: The Greatest Myths, Lies and Blunders on Maps. London: Simon & Schuster], tłum. Janusz Szczepański. Poznań: Rebis.