FEAST As a Mirror of Social and Cultural Changes

60 László Mód (grape harvest parade, harvest ball) similar to the feast from a century ago, but its role is much more complex. One of the main visible changes is the substantial increase in the number of participants. The harvest feast attracts even tourists, although their number is relatively small. It seems to me that the grape harvest feast is a tool that a community in a peripheral situation can use to construct its own cultural heritage and strengthen its local identity. The process of reinvention includes innovations, such as the church ceremony (blessing locally produced wine), which indicates that vine-growing and wine-making is still an important branch of local agriculture. After the unsuccessful referendum in 2008 on the administrative independence of Bokros, the grape harvest feast has offered an excellent opportunity for the locals to present a special cultural product which attracts many people. References Fajcsák, Attila (1987) “Adatok a szüreti koszorúhoz [= Data to the Harvest Wreath].” [In:] Agria. Az Egri Múzeum Évkönyve 24; 353–366. Fejős, Zoltán (1987) “Szüreti bál, magyar ruha és az amerikai-magyar etnikus kultúra néhány kérdése [= Harvest Ball, Hungarian Custom, and a Few Questions of the American-Hungarian Ethnic Culture].” [In:] Gyula Juhász (ed.) Magyarságkutatás: A Magyarságkutató Csoport évkönyve. Budapest, Hungary: Magyarságkutató Csoport; 267–282. Fejős, Zoltán (2005) “Néprajz, antropológia: kulturális örökség és az emlékezet kategóriái [= Ethnology, Anthropology: Cultural Heritage and the Categories of Remembrance].” [In:] Iskolakultúra 3; 41–48. Hobsbawm, Eric, Terence Ranger (1983) The Invention of Tradition. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Kovács, Ákos (2008) “Szőlőhegytől elszakadva–szüret és hagyomány [= Separated from the Vineyard–Harvest and Tradition].” [In:] Magyar Narancs 41; 38–39. Lowenthal, David (1998) Possessed by the Past: The Heritage Crusade and the Spoils of History. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Mód, László (2015a) “The Representation of the Cultural Heritage through Wine Tourism in Hungary.” [In:] Irén Annus (ed.) European Encounters: Language, Culture and Identity. Szeged, Hungary: JATE Press; 95–110. Mód, László (2015b) “Szüreti bálok és felvonulások Csongrádon a 19. század végén és a 20. század első felében [= Grape Harvest Balls and Processions in Csongrád at the End of the 19th and Beginning of the 20th Centuries].” [In:] A Móra Ferenc Múzeum Évkönyve. Új folyam 2; 247–260. Smith, Laurajane (2006) Uses of Heritage. New York, NY: Routledge.